Black Snake Moan, a film that I saw a few years ago, is the creative crux of the collection that I'm designing right now. I already had a strong and strange affinity for the south -the sunshine, warmth, slow pace, nice people and simple lifestyle- but this movie, with physical and mental grime contrasted against the idyllic beauty of the deep south really hit my head hard. I want to visit the magical land where it takes place, but I still can't figure out if that's Tenessee or Mississippi. Any help? It's a bizzarrely entrancing setting.
This film still totally embodies the feeling and style elements that you'll see in the collection. I'm definitely incorporating the midriff t-shirt style. It actually made an unexpected comeback (referencing the 90's so soon?) in the Fall collections this year. The confederate conflict tee print is hilarious...maybe I can do something with that too, although I know that I need to play that card carefully. Cute underwear/hotpants will be there too. And of course, chains and bruises. And then there's this fabulous tattoo that I just noticed:
That's one of Christina Ricci's real tattoos. It's praying hands (to declare her Christianity, apparently) that was a coverup for a previous tattoo of a bat. Ironic. And what a great image for a potential screenprint.